25 Crestwood Lane

New Britain, CT 06053

860 506 5830

Tim Feeney - Recovery Coach

860 245 8689 timf@spottunlimited.org

Angela Balfour - Assistant Recovery Coach

860 245 8983 angelab@spottunlimited.org

Rev. Brian Riley - Assistant Recovery Coach

860 249 1738 brianr@spottunlimited.org

Rev. Gloria McHenry - Assistant Recovery Coach 860 245 9209 gloriamc@spottunlimited.org

Samuel Simmons - Assistant Recovery Coach 860 506 5830 samsimmons@spottunlimited.org

The Recovery Support Services for Greater New Britain residents struggling with adverse experiences, behavioral health, or substance use disorders is a program sponsored by The Spott Unlimited, Inc.

The Spott Unlimited, Inc. is a nonprofit community-based service created by The Spottswood African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in New Britain, CT. The Recovery Support Services is the first of The Spott Unlimited, Inc. corporation to launch a supportive program led by a Recovery Coach and 8-10 Recovery Support Assistants who are committed to work with individuals to help them find a pathway of recovery that works toward empowerment for them to reach their desired potential. These Recovery Support Assistants have been trained in community trauma response and suicide prevention by the New Britain EMS Citizen’s EMS Academy, as well as the Integrated Healing Facilitators approach designed to help people learn how to better support themselves and one another, offered by New Life II.

The Recovery Coach and Assistants will connect individuals to outpatient or inpatient care services for their substance use or behavioral health concerns, in partnership with the availability of CMHA to conduct assessments and accept referrals if and whenever needed. As always, any individual ready to begin their path to Recovery is welcomed at CMHA.

Describing the church’s mission and sense of purpose, Reverend Samuel C. Blanks said “It’s a matter of heart for us - the people who have been working in the trenches. This program service can reach people where they are in the community, and these recovery support helpers can serve them in a way that is needed, but not always addressed.”

Dr. Marie M. Spivey and Michele Stewart Copes of System for Education, Equity, & Transition (SEET LLC), have partnered with CMHA on several previous initiatives and will provide oversight, clinical supervision, and administrative reporting for this innovative program.

“I don’t believe anyone else is doing this,” said Stewart-Copes, “I really think what we are doing here in New Britain - partnering with faith-based organizations - is groundbreaking.”

To learn more about CMHA's services, from therapy and support groups to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), please contact the agency at 860.224.8192 or referrals@cmhacc.org.

Integrated Healing Facilitators, at New Life II

Our mission is to equip and empower individuals that are caught in the cycles of hopelessness, disenfranchisement, dependency on drugs and alcohol, and mental health struggles, and to see their lives transformed. Our primary goal is to help vulnerable men and women overcome negative situations by providing ongoing education, recreation, mentoring, critical life skills training, and support services, infusing them all with faith-based principles.

To learn more about Integrated Healing Facilitators, at New Life II please contact Pastor Dana Smith www.newlife2@org

The Spott Unlimited